Lochinvar Medical Centre





Covid Safe - We are trying to keep everyone covid & virus safe with as much fresh air as possible wherever you are seen. We also provide air purifiers and temperature control in each room.
During this time of Covid we have various types of appointments such as Phone consults, Telehealth, Consulting room or Drivethru depending on the type of problem you have.
Masks are required here on premises and inside the building. We can give you a fresh surgical mask if you do not have one.

Communications - We use the phone for booking apppointments (49307013). If we don't answer the phone please call again later or follow the message.

We do not use email as a means for medical advice.

Urgent problems - Doctor can be contacted on 49307013. If an Emergency you may be asked to call Triple ‘000’.

Results – can be given over the phone or during a consultation. There may be a Phone Consult Fee which will be explained during the call.

Collections - If collecting something please ring the doorbell out the front and wait for staff - or phone 49 307013 prior.

GPAccess Afterhours is available by phoning 1300 130 147. This service is provided for urgent conditions after hours, weekends and public holidays when you cannot get into your medical practice that day.

SMS can be used for vaccine clinic reminders if your mobile is registered with us to use this service. It is not generally used as a normal appointment reminder. We do not use emails to communicate due to privacy & confidentiality.

Phone Consults - Dr will usually call on a mobile which will display 'Caller No ID'. Phone consults can attract a fee, please ask staff.

Time - 15 minutes will generally be enough time to deal with one problem. If there is more than one problem extra time will be necessary. Long appointments are available and are recommended for procedures, forms, or complicated problems. Please let staff know at the time of booking. Late appointments are available on certain days. Each person needs a separate appointment, please let staff know if you have extra people to be seen.

Billing & Fees vary according to Time Taken and Types of consultations ie procedures, double appointments, forms, phone calls.

Some phone consultations are billed privately, in this case you will be advised and an account will be sent. Online payments are accepted.
Other charges also apply for procedures and tests, removal of skin lesions, wound care & vaccinations.
We follow the AMA guidelines of Fees. Medicare rebates usually but not always apply. Please contact us to discuss any costs.
We can give you the contact details for Pathology or Imaging so you can find out their costs.
Disabled Access is via the footpath leading to the front entry. Special parking spots are available in our carpark. The front door is easily accessible via front footpath. Tbe Disabled toilet is located within the surgery.   Diggers Taxi's ph 4032 7999 can transport wheelchairs.

Parking is provided next to our building or at the Drive-thru Medical and Vaccination clinics.

Interpreters: We can arrange an interpreter for your appointment, please contact us.

Your Privacy: Our Policy  The provision of quality healthcare requires a doctor-patient relationship of trust and confidentiality.
Consistent with our commitment to quality care, this practice has developed a policy to protect patient privacy in compliance with privacy legislation.

Your Comments - All attempts are made to make this practice run efficiently, and to provide courteous and friendly staff, with pleasant and comfortable surroundings. Any suggestions which could improve our service are appreciated and can be given verbally or in writing to any member of the practice. Should there be a complaint, it is hoped that this can be dealt with directly and in person with the member of the practice involved.